Chloe is the founder of The Naked Voice and the heart of her work is the practice of the spoken and sung voice as a Gateway to discover our Non Dual Awareness. Deafness in childhood catalyzed Chloe's discovery of inner sound and silence. This deep encounter with her inner self, catalyzed questions like: " Who Am I", "Who is Singing", " How can I transform my sadness". Chloe had many encounters with indigenous wisdom teachers, spiritual and classical Indian music masters, ultimately leading to a transformative 'no-mind' experience in Northern India, inspired by the great luminary and saint, Anandamayi Ma. This gave birth to the unique method of sound and voice, which Chloe eventually named, The Naked Voice. Her autobiography, The Naked Voice - Journey to the Spirit of Sound tells the story of these formative early years. In this in-depth interview with Renate she talks about her life and her work |